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StorageCraft ImageManager
Take Charge of Your Backups-Onsite, Offsite, and in the Cloud

StorageCraft ImageManager


Effectively maintaining business continuity requires more these days-more time, more resources, and certainly more money. But small to midsize businesses (SMBs) seldom have the personnel or the means to manage costly systems that would provide redundancy in their computer environments.

StorageCraft ImageManager provides numerous ways to organize and manage your backup image files created with StorageCraft ShadowProtect best-in-class disaster recovery technology.

StorageCraft ImageManager also helps you harness the security of replicating backup files to an offsite location, such as the StorageCraft Cloud, or a private cloud:

The most important backup is the one you store locally. It will help you recover from the most common distasters you'll face. StorageCraft ImageManager also includes patented HeadStart Restore*, which lets you pre-stage recovery to minimize downtime.